Creationism 2
These are some interesting ideas that have come up in this study:
*When it says that the Spirit was moving over the waters it is translated "vibrating", or "hovering".
*The Hebrew word for "day" is yowm. Yowm can mean 1. a period of time; 2. a period of 24 hours; 3. a general vague time; or 4. a point in time. The context gives the framework for the exact meaning.
These conclusions are based on taking the Bible literally, not figuratively.
*Gen. 1:5a yowm = light separated from darkness.... if this is a 24 hours then it makes sense that for part of that yowm or day, there was light and there was darkness. If this means a general period of time, then for a period of time there was light and there was darkness. If it means a vague time (billions of years) then for part of that billion of years it was light and the rest it was dark.
*Gen. 1:5b, 8, 13, 23, 31: yowm = there was evening and there was morning, one yowm or day. Some want to say that this is a literal evening and morning and other's want it to mean a vague period of time meaning the billion year time frame had a 'evening and a morning' figuratively.
*Gen. 2:2 Seventh yowm or day: Some mean this to say the last day of creation was a specific day. Some make this to say that the last yom or day of creation is still going on. That God rested from His creation and has not recreated anything. So we are in the final billion year yowm or day or age.
*Gen. 2:4 IN the day or yowm that God created the earth...: Seems to be clear that this is a vague period of time and no one contests that.
*Exodus 20:1-3,8-11 seems to be a sticky one. In this passage God himself is telling Moses the Ten Commandments. In fact it says that God Himself wrote the commandments on the stone Himself. So we can be assured that God said what He meant. But it is still a controversial portion of scripture. In it God says the reason we are to obey the Sabbath is because in the same way that He took 6 days to work and the 7th He rested, we are to take 6 days to work and rest on the 7th.
Ex 20:8-11
8 "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates. 11 For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.
(from New International Version)
So the reasoning goes this way: Either both are literal- God took 6 days and man should take 6 days to work; or it is figurative- God took a figurative 6 days or ages and man should take 6 days or ages to work; Or it is a mixture- the part about God is figurative and the part about man is literal.
Young Earth views that both are literal. Old Earth views that God's part is figurative and man's part is literal. Neither would claim that man needs to have a 6 billion year work week before he gets a Sabbath.
*To put all of the terms together that describe a yowm you have light vs. dark; evening and morning; and Day and Night. If yowm is determined by the context then you will have to stretch the meaning of all of those terms to make yowm a figurative time.
*A question I have that hasn't been answered... If the Holy Spirit was hovering over the waters, then why wasn't there light then? If in Heaven we will not need a sun because Jesus is our light, then why didn't the HS light up the area when He was around. Spiritual vs. Actual? Obviously He isn't lighting the earth now and He is around. Hmmmm.... He was working within the Laws of Physics that He had just established?
Ok.. check out this idea.. In young earth views there is a theory that there was a huge canopy around the earth to keep out the ultra violet rays and create a greenhouse affect. This would account for the long lives
These are some interesting ideas that have come up in this study:
*When it says that the Spirit was moving over the waters it is translated "vibrating", or "hovering".
*The Hebrew word for "day" is yowm. Yowm can mean 1. a period of time; 2. a period of 24 hours; 3. a general vague time; or 4. a point in time. The context gives the framework for the exact meaning.
These conclusions are based on taking the Bible literally, not figuratively.
*Gen. 1:5a yowm = light separated from darkness.... if this is a 24 hours then it makes sense that for part of that yowm or day, there was light and there was darkness. If this means a general period of time, then for a period of time there was light and there was darkness. If it means a vague time (billions of years) then for part of that billion of years it was light and the rest it was dark.
*Gen. 1:5b, 8, 13, 23, 31: yowm = there was evening and there was morning, one yowm or day. Some want to say that this is a literal evening and morning and other's want it to mean a vague period of time meaning the billion year time frame had a 'evening and a morning' figuratively.
*Gen. 2:2 Seventh yowm or day: Some mean this to say the last day of creation was a specific day. Some make this to say that the last yom or day of creation is still going on. That God rested from His creation and has not recreated anything. So we are in the final billion year yowm or day or age.
*Gen. 2:4 IN the day or yowm that God created the earth...: Seems to be clear that this is a vague period of time and no one contests that.
*Exodus 20:1-3,8-11 seems to be a sticky one. In this passage God himself is telling Moses the Ten Commandments. In fact it says that God Himself wrote the commandments on the stone Himself. So we can be assured that God said what He meant. But it is still a controversial portion of scripture. In it God says the reason we are to obey the Sabbath is because in the same way that He took 6 days to work and the 7th He rested, we are to take 6 days to work and rest on the 7th.
Ex 20:8-11
8 "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates. 11 For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.
(from New International Version)
So the reasoning goes this way: Either both are literal- God took 6 days and man should take 6 days to work; or it is figurative- God took a figurative 6 days or ages and man should take 6 days or ages to work; Or it is a mixture- the part about God is figurative and the part about man is literal.
Young Earth views that both are literal. Old Earth views that God's part is figurative and man's part is literal. Neither would claim that man needs to have a 6 billion year work week before he gets a Sabbath.
*To put all of the terms together that describe a yowm you have light vs. dark; evening and morning; and Day and Night. If yowm is determined by the context then you will have to stretch the meaning of all of those terms to make yowm a figurative time.
*A question I have that hasn't been answered... If the Holy Spirit was hovering over the waters, then why wasn't there light then? If in Heaven we will not need a sun because Jesus is our light, then why didn't the HS light up the area when He was around. Spiritual vs. Actual? Obviously He isn't lighting the earth now and He is around. Hmmmm.... He was working within the Laws of Physics that He had just established?
Ok.. check out this idea.. In young earth views there is a theory that there was a huge canopy around the earth to keep out the ultra violet rays and create a greenhouse affect. This would account for the long lives