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Articles of Interest

Sunday, September 28, 2003


These are some insights from a Precepts class by Kay Arthur that I am in this quarter.
Overview of Gen. 1-5 (key ideas, or verses)
Chapt.1~ overview of creation
day 1- earth was formless/void; darkness; the Spirit of God was there; water was everywhere; God spoke 'light' into existence; separated light and darkness before He created objects of light; statement of evening and morning;
day 2- the atmosphere was created; statement of evening and morning.
day 3-land and sea was separated; grass and such grew; statement of evening and morning; it was good.
day 4- the objects for light, and seasons, and times were created; statement of evening and morning; it was good.
day5- the creatures were created for the sea and air; it was good; statement of evening and morning.
day 6- land animals and man were created; after their kind; it was good; man created by a Plural God(Elohim); man=mankind, male and female; God blessed them; 1st command; have dominion;
day7- God rested; blessed this day

Chapt. 2~ details of creation
no rain; man created from clay; God's breath; God plants a garden; Tree of Life; Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil; man's first job; eat from anything but those; 1st thing NOT good- man to be alone; Adam named animals- 2nd job; makes woman;


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