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Articles of Interest

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Biblical Word Study on Language

Words are neutral in and of themselves. Their meanings often change throughout history and for different cultures. To say a word is "bad" or "good" you are making a statement concerning the culture you live in and the time period that you live in. So the question came up, that if a word is neither bad nor good in itself, do we have a right to label them so and what, if anything, does God say about it?

I started with the second question by doing a short word search about words in the Bible. I found there aren't absolutes in the Bible concerning words. God in his omniscience knew that to single out a word here or a word there would make the rule obsolete by the next generation as words and their meanings change often. Even in the most direct command to not take the name of the Lord in vain, there isn't a description of that action. The Jews took that command to mean they should never mention the most Holy form of God's name in anything they did. Now, we don't feel we need to take that extreme of a position today. We come boldly to God and claim His name often. So even in that direct command, it is interpreted differently by different people. Although I found a plethora of verses that talk about words and language most were principles rather than direct commands. But I did find a common chord throughout all of the verses that I looked up. The same chord runs through all of the teachings of Jesus. It comes down to intentions and the motives of the heart.

Over and over the Bible talks about words having the power of life and death; of your tongue being a fire; and that your words need to please God. All through Proverbs we are cautioned about the affect of our words on others, either for good or bad. Jesus also cautioned that words have deeper meanings and affects than just what is said. Paul, James and others had other similar principles. These principles have different levels of direction and emphasis that we need to look into deeper.

Even though I am not going to try and make any list of good or bad words, I will say that whatever culture you live in, there are words that are considered foul. Even the smallest child in the inner-city can make a list for you if you are in doubt. So even though a word is neutral, the culture makes its definition good or bad. Some want to put words into lists of usable slang and unmentionables. Others want to say we shouldn't list words at all because it is a unnecessary argument. That, because words are neutral, there should not be limits on a Christians language. But is it o.k. to use them? Some will say that as long as everyone around you says the same words and they aren't offended by them, then the words are ok to use. There is the other side that says God is offended by all foul words. What I want to attempt is to have each examine his own heart and determine before God what he feels clear to do. That can't happen without the truth though. Some have defended their stance on both sides without seeing really what the Bible says in this area. But they state their beliefs as if it was of God. And by Truth I am talking about what the Word says, not "the church" nor the world. If we live by the standards of the world or by rules of the church we will be missing the heart of God.

In a certain way, this is in the same arena as "offering meat to idols". Since we are free in Christ and under grace, our language is between God and us, to a point. All of 1 Cor. 8 talks about the stronger and weaker brother and about actions that some may find objectionable and other not. But it does end with Pauls decision not to do whatever so as not to offend 'weaker' brothers. But to take the whole Bible into context, he continues the same idea in chap. 10 but with more cautions. 1 Cor 10:23-24 23 "Everything is permissible"-but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible"-but not everything is constructive. 24 Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others. The good of others is a clear directive for any actions of a Christian whether it is in what you say or do. Words do affect our own self but for now I am talking about the affect on others. We are commanded to love, put others before us, to build each other up, and to not be a stumbling block for them among many other specific commands. So you need to examine how your words affect others around you. We aren't allowed a neutral position in that. If we only dealt with language in this context, which many do, it would mean that as long as the other person isn't offended or stumbling, then everything is ok. Granted, there is some leeway in this area because it does depend on who you are talking with. But you have to take all the scripture into account before you make a full position based only on this level.

The next level I saw was how God views the heart. God sees the heart and clearly states that what comes out of the mouth shows what is in the heart. Obviously, there are those who can put on a good front to present themselves as holy and righteous when in reality their heart is far from God. Ie.. The Pharisees were told by Jesus that they were a white washed tomb because their words were right but their heart wasn't. But we aren't to look to other humans as our plum-line for being Holy. We are only to use Jesus as our example. To me this comes down to motives of the heart. If the words that are coming out are to connect with someone in order to show him Jesus in his own context then God can direct one on how to speak. But if the words that consistently come out of one's heart show a lack of depth of character then one needs to examine his walk with God.
This isn't and can't be a judgment from without; from others; it has to be an internal examination between the person and God. Only God can reveal the heart to the person. For those who feel the need to correct those Christians who have "foul" speech, I would encourage you to act in a way that Jesus did for those who did love Him. He saw and reached past the sin and touched the hurting parts of the heart. From my experience, most who use foul words have hurt and bitterness that they try to hide with tough words and need to see Jesus through us, not judgment. Because the sin of pride of clean speech can be as much a stumbling block as the use of foul words.

The next level is probably the most specific and the hardest to explain without sounding judgmental. There are some very specific verses that deal with the kinds of speech and communication that God says He doesn't want: "unwholesome talk, obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice", are some of the specific terms that God uses. There's not a whole lot of leeway in those terms although culture to culture and generation to generation the specific words would be different. God not only says it is for the up building of others but also so that we don't grieve Him (Eph 4:29-32) . In these specific verses He doesn't give us the options of saying whatever we want, when we are around others who speak the same words. Even though it may not affect those people it says we have to watch what we say so as not to offend Him. Then he just says it's out of place (Eph 5:4). People who argue for using 'foul' words around like-minded people will have to work through those verses themselves. I will say that I know that God is a big boy. He can deal with a lot of things that humans get offended by. But there is a reason He says what He says and each person needs to search Him out on that. {I also will caution those again, who don't use foul words but confront those who do, to look at the whole list. Maybe you do not use foul words, but do you talk foolishly, or have bitterness, or get angry easily? We have to watch that we are not Pharisees in our judgments of others.} I won't attempt to give any more commentary on it then that other than encouraging each to read the verses below with an open heart and mind.

The verses that I have covered so far, in my opinion, are a basic guide in language, speech and/or communication for most casual connections; friends, employment, family etc; the basic day-to-day type give and take. But there are other verses that have extremely harsh and sometimes violent language in them and most said by either a devote follower of God or Jesus himself. The word search I did was very small considering that there are many more examples in the Old and New Testaments that I didn't pull up. Obviously, none of the specific words mentioned are foul words in our language but the message behind them is direct confrontation and accusatory language (thus, foul language in their culture?).

I will correlate this aspect with our right to bear arms. Our county gives us the right to own guns and most states give the right to have concealed weapons permits and carry guns on our person. Now this is an awesome responsibility and should not be taken lightly but it is also one that any law-abiding citizen may partake in. But even though he can carry a gun legally around, I wouldn't advocate shooting the gun off when ever he wants or shooting at innocent people. That just doesn't go over real well. Now there may come a time that he, his family, or an innocent bystander is in imminent danger and the gun will be used for defense.

My correlation is in the idea that we have the freedom and grace to use any words we want. But shooting our mouths off whenever we want, may be unwise and may wound others nearby. If we look carefully at the times that Moses, the prophets, Jesus, Peter, Paul and others used strong language it was times that the people around them were in danger of being mislead by idols, false teachers, and others waging spiritual battles. They were storming the gates of Hell and disarming the enemy.

We are instructed in various ways that we are in a spiritual battle and we need to have the armor of God on daily. It is a war and it may be that God will put you in a position that He did with these other men of God, that I mentioned before, where you have to take a strong stand for those who are being led astray and use harsh or strong language (swearing) as part of your weapon. But just as with a firearm weapon, the more you expect to use it, the more training you should get in walking close to God. Where as I am trained enough to handle a gun, shoot what I point at and other simple defense actions, I am far from trained to be in a shooting match or a war. So also, I am able to defend those who are victims and may at times need to forcefully defend them. Using the spirit behind the language Jesus and others used I would want to be walking close to God so He could direct my words. Plus, I think it is prudent to take into account the large percentage of positive, up building words that each said compared to the small percentage of strong language that any of them used and copy their example of positive speech.

Of course, what is an 'obscenity' for me may not even be a slang term for you as I have very high standards for my own words. Each person does have to come before God with a yielded heart to obey what God has revealed to him alone. And then with that, they have to look to how their freedoms affect others. And lastly, they need to examine their own heart for areas God wants to change whether it is their words or their pride for their 'clean' speech. As my goal for this study was to have each examine his own heart and not to be judgmental or critical, I will end with this verse: 2 Tim 2:14-15
14 Keep reminding them of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen. 15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.


For those who want to know where I got my information from:
(All scripture taken from the NIV)
~ indicates there is more to the verse then I quoted and you should look it up!

Ps 19:14~ May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight,
Prov 8:1-8~Wisdom has pure words~
All the Proverbs talk about the results of wrong words and the positive affect of good words...
Prov 12:18..........Prov 12:25............Prov 15:23................Prov 16:2...................Prov 18:21...........................Prov 21:23......................Prov 25:11
Matt 12:36-37~giving account for words on the Day of Judgment~
Matt 15:10-11~ what comes out of his mouth makes him unclean~
Luke 6:45~For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks~

(This next one made me think of not judging someone because of their speech)
Rom 14:1-21
14:1 ~Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters ~ This is the whole portion about not eating meat offered to idols.
Eph 4:29-32~ Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths~
Eph 5:4~ Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving.
2 Tim 2:14-15~ Do your best to present yourself as one who correctly handles the word of truth.~
James 1:26-27~ if he doesn't keep a tight rein on his tongue his religion is worthless ~

*word study on: word, words, tongue, mouth *

Some examples of harsh words~

Lots of examples in the prophets............
Matt 23:13-36 ~ Lots of 'woe to you' - a type of curse~
Luke 11:37-52 ~ Jesus telling the Pharisees what He thinks of them ~
John 2:15-16 ~ clearing out the temple ~
John 6:70 ~ calling Judas a devil ~
Acts 7:51 ~ stiff necked people ~
Matt 16:23~ Jesus turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan~
Gal 5:12~ As for those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves ~
Phil 3:2~ Watch out for those dogs, those men who do evil, those mutilators of the flesh~

If you have more of either type of verse... please add it on in the comments!